We are here to help you!

We are committed to improving the health and wellbeing through the holistic practice of yoga and meditation.

Craig Smith

I've practiced yoga since the late '90s, taught since 2002, and hold senior teacher and yoga therapist registrations with Yoga Australia. I've undertaken extensive study in India, including a 3-year Post Graduate Diploma of Yoga Therapy under Dr. N Chandrasekaran. I lead retreats and workshops worldwide, inspiring students to explore yoga more profoundly.
Qualified Yoga Therapist
Authentic Yogic Knowledge
3-year Diploma

Phillipa Pike

Phillipa, teaching since 1999, initially in Brisbane and later on the Sunshine Coast, emphasizes the profound impact of yoga and meditation in bringing balance, calm self-confidence, and overall well-being to the body and mind. Her classes focus on providing each student with the opportunity to experience these numerous benefits.
Teaching since 1999.
Started with Satyananda Yoga.
Extensive experience.

Let's talk

If you have any questions just let us know and we will be happy to help you.
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Enjoy the stillness of yoga.
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we've helped 1000+ people